TeeChart for .NETSteema Software SL


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Setup data

        if (chartType == 101) //appointments chart

            string aTitle = "Appointments";
            //Year labels
            string[] xLabels = new string[] { "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021" };
            //Series names
            string[] sNames = new string[] { "Ancillaries", "Core staff" };
            //Chart data
            double?[,] apptData = new double?[,] {
                                { /*Ancillaries*/ 10,12,31,34,16 },
                                { /*Core*/ 5,7,12,12,3 }};

            MultiBars stack = MultiBars.Stacked;
            int incr = 5; //left axis increment

            ChartTable cGen = new ChartTable();
            chartJS = await cGen.loadAppointmentsChart(aTitle, sNames, apptData,
                                       stack, xLabels, newLineLabel(xLabels),

            title = aTitle;

            supportUnit = "<script src=\"js/appointment.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";


Chart generation

    public string chartName;
    public string title;

    public Task<string> loadAppointmentsChart(string aTitle, string[] sNames, double?[,] aVals,
                                    MultiBars aStack, string[] aLabels, int labelLines,
                                                      int incr)
            //Annual Proposals Received (Total)
            Steema.TeeChart.TChart chartAppointm = new Steema.TeeChart.TChart();

            //chartAppointm.Header.Text = aTitle;

            chartName = "chartApp";
            //chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName = chartName;

            List<string> customCode = new List<string>();

            chartAppointm.Chart.Panning.Allow = Steema.TeeChart.ScrollModes.None;

            //for (int i = aVals.GetLength(0) - 1; i >= 0; i--)  //go backwards for default array order
            for (int i = 0; i < aVals.GetLength(0); i++)
                chartAppointm.Series.Add(new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar());
                for (int j = 0; j < aVals.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (aVals[i, j] != null)
                        chartAppointm.Series[i].Add(aVals[i, j]);
                chartAppointm.Series[i].Title = sNames[i];
                chartAppointm.Series[i].Marks.Visible = false;
                ((Bar)chartAppointm.Series[i]).Pen.Visible = false;
                ((Bar)chartAppointm.Series[i]).MultiBar = aStack;

            for (int i = 0; i < aLabels.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < chartAppointm.Series.Count; j++)

            title = chartAppointm.Series[0].Description;

            chartAppointm.Axes.Left.Increment = incr;
            chartAppointm.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Separation = 0;
            chartAppointm.Legend.Visible = false;

            chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.DoFullPage = false;

            chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName = chartName;
            chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.CanvasName = "canvas1";

            customCode.Add("   drawAppointments(" + chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ", " + labelLines + ");");

            chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.CustomCode = customCode.ToArray();

            System.IO.MemoryStream resultStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
            chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.Width = 590;
            chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.Height = 370;

            resultStream.Position = 0;

            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(resultStream);
            //setup our chart name, here 'dynoChartName'.
            string result = "<script> var " + chartName + "; " + reader.ReadToEnd() + "</script>";

            return Task.FromResult(result);


Javascript Legend code

//javascript code unit to plot legend-table under chart
//and setup tooltip display format

var a2, tip;
var hasAnimated = false;

function drawAppointments(aChart, labelLines) {

    aChart.zoom.enabled = false;
    aChart.scroll.enabled = false;

    aChart.title.visible = false;

    aChart.axes.left.title.text = "Number";
    aChart.axes.left.title.format.font.style = "17px Tahoma";
    aChart.axes.left.title.format.font.fill = "rgb(0,0,0)";
    aChart.axes.left.format.stroke.fill = "rgba(0,255,0,0)";
    aChart.axes.left.ticks.visible = false;
    //aChart.axes.left.increment = 1000;
    aChart.axes.left.labels.fixedDecimals = true;
    aChart.axes.left.labels.decimals = 0;
    aChart.axes.left.labels.labelStyle = "value";
    aChart.axes.left.labels.valueFormat = true;

    aChart.axes.bottom.increment = 1;
    aChart.axes.bottom.labels.separation = 1;
    aChart.axes.bottom.labels.format.font.fill = "rgb(30,30,30)";
    aChart.axes.left.labels.format.font.fill = aChart.axes.bottom.labels.format.font.fill;
    aChart.legend.format.font.fill = aChart.axes.bottom.labels.format.font.fill;

    aChart.axes.bottom.grid.centered = true;
    aChart.axes.bottom.ticks.visible = false;

    aChart.axes.bottom.setMinMax(-0.5, aChart.series.items[0].data.values.length - 0.5);

    aChart.title.format.font.style = "18px Tahoma";
    aChart.title.format.font.fill = "rgb(0,0,0)";
    aChart.title.format.font.textAlign = "left";
    aChart.title.format.font.gradient.visible = false;

    aChart.walls.left.size = 10;
    aChart.walls.bottom.size = 10;

    aChart.legend.visible = false;
    aChart.legend.format.stroke.fill = "white";
    aChart.legend.transparent = false;

    aChart.panel.margins.bottom = 30;
    aChart.panel.margins.left = 15;

    tip = new Tee.ToolTip(aChart);
    tip.render = "dom";
    tip.delay = 3000;
    tip.autoHide = true;
    //tip.findPoint = true;
    tip.domStyle = "padding-left:8px; padding-right:8px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:4px; margin-left:5px; margin-top:0px; ";
    tip.domStyle = tip.domStyle + "background-color:#FCFCFC; border-radius:4px 4px; color:#FFF; ";
    tip.domStyle = tip.domStyle + "border-style:solid;border-color:#A3A3AF;border-width:1px; z-index:1000;";

    tip.onhide = function () { scaling = 0; poindex = -1; }
    tip.ongettext = function (tool, text, series, index) {
        var t, s = "", ser;

        s += '<font face="verdana" color="darkblue" size="1"><strong>' + aChart.series.items[0].data.labels[index] + '</strong></font>';

        for (t = 0; t < aChart.series.count(); t++) {
            ser = aChart.series.items[t];
            if (!Number.isNaN(ser.data.values[index])) {
                s += "<br/>";
                s += '<font face="verdana" color="#004000" size="1"><b>' + ser.title + ':</b></font> <font face="verdana" color="red" size="1">' 
                     + aChart.axes.left.labels.formatValueString(ser.data.values[index]) + '</font>';
        return s;

    animation = new Tee.SeriesAnimation();
    animation.duration = 900;
    animation.kind = "each";
    fadeAnimation = new Tee.FadeAnimation();
    fadeAnimation.duration = 500;
    fadeAnimation.fade.series = true;
    fadeAnimation.fade.marks = true;
    animation.mode = "linear";
    fadeAnimation.mode = "linear";


    animation.onstop = function (a) {
        hasAnimated = true;

    //draw event. Add any custom draw content here.
    aChart.ondraw = function () {

        var inc = 20;  //line height

        var x1 = aChart.axes.bottom.calc(aChart.axes.bottom.minimum),
            y1 = aChart.axes.left.calc(0),
            width = aChart.axes.bottom.calc(aChart.axes.bottom.maximum);
        height = 0;

        yStart = y1;

        // X,Y, Width, Height
        var myFormat = new Tee.Format(aChart);

        myFormat.stroke.size = 0.5;

        var xInc = (aChart.axes.bottom.maximum - aChart.axes.bottom.minimum) / aChart.series.items[0].data.values.length;   //aChart.axes.bottom.increm;
        if (xInc < 0.5) xInc = 0.5;
        var xPos = aChart.axes.bottom.minimum;

        for (i = 0; i < aChart.series.items.length; i++) {
            y1 = y1 + inc;
            if (i == 0) y1 = y1 + (labelLines * inc);
            myFormat.rectangle(0, y1, width, height);
            myFormat.font.style = aChart.axes.bottom.labels.format.font.style;
            myFormat.font.fill = aChart.axes.bottom.labels.format.font.fill;
            aChart.ctx.font = myFormat.font.style;

            if (i < aChart.series.items.length) {
                rr = new Tee.Rectangle(60, y1 + 4, 60, 20);
                myFormat.fill = aChart.series.items[aChart.series.items.length - 1 - i].format.fill; //  "rgb(255,0,0)";
                myFormat.rectangle(5, y1 + 3, 14, 14);
                myFormat.font.textAlign = "center";
                myFormat.drawText(rr, aChart.series.items[aChart.series.items.length - 1 - i].title);

                x1 = aChart.axes.bottom.calc(aChart.axes.bottom.minimum);
                xPos = aChart.axes.bottom.minimum;

                var incSize = aChart.axes.bottom.calc(aChart.axes.bottom.minimum + xInc) - x1;

                //myFormat.font.textAlign = "left";

                if (hasAnimated) {
                    for (j = 0; j < aChart.series.items[i].data.values.length; j++) {
                        rr = new Tee.Rectangle(x1, y1 + 4, incSize, 20);
                        if (!Number.isNaN(aChart.series.items[aChart.series.items.length - 1 - i].data.values[j]))
                            myFormat.drawText(rr, "" + aChart.series.items[aChart.series.items.length - 1 - i].data.values[j]);

                        xPos = xPos + xInc;
                        x1 = aChart.axes.bottom.calc(xPos);


        y1 = y1 + inc;
        myFormat.rectangle(0, y1, width, height);

        x1 = aChart.axes.bottom.calc(aChart.axes.bottom.minimum);
        xPos = aChart.axes.bottom.minimum;

        //left start line
        myFormat.rectangle(0, aChart.axes.left.calc(0) + inc + (labelLines * inc), 0, y1 - yStart - inc - (labelLines * inc));

        while (x1 < aChart.axes.bottom.calc(aChart.axes.bottom.maximum)) {

            myFormat.rectangle(x1, aChart.axes.left.calc(0), 0, y1 - yStart);

            xPos = xPos + xInc;
            x1 = aChart.axes.bottom.calc(xPos);

        //final close line
        myFormat.rectangle(aChart.axes.bottom.calc(aChart.axes.bottom.maximum), aChart.axes.left.calc(0), 0, y1 - yStart);



function setSize(value) {
    aChart.series.items[0].barSize = value;

function setRightPanelMargin() {
    if ((aChart.legend.visible) && (aChart.legend.position == "right"))
        aChart.panel.margins.right = 0;
        aChart.panel.margins.right = 10;
